Your anger can actually help you become more like Christ. A deep look at those with explosive anger.
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- Introduction
- Traits of Wholeness
- Review: Dealing With Anger - Part 1 & 2
- Your Anger Can Reveal Your Heart
- 3 Ways We Express Anger
- James 1:19-20
- Proverbs 14:29
- Exodus 34:6-7
- Ephesians 4:26
- Proverbs 19:11
- Luke 6:45
- Proverbs 18:19
- Ephesians 4:15
James 1:19-20
19 You know this, my beloved brothers and sisters. Now everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger; 20 for a man’s anger does not bring about the righteousness of God.
Anger isn’t a sin.
Anger warns you of a problem.
We will see that our anger can help our relationships and help us grow in our Christ likeness
Anger myths
- Men are angrier than women
- Men and women get angry over different things and often expressed it differently
- Men are more likely to be aggressive in their expression of anger
- women are more likely to use an indirect approach
- The older you get the more angry you are
- The data shows that the angriest people are 14-year-old boys
- As you go from 14-22 it levels off and stays low, through adulthood
- As you get into middle-age in the 50s and 60s it starts to go up again but it never gets to the level it was when you were 14
- Anger always results from human conflict
- People can get angry by being exposed to
- Foul odors
- Aches and pains
- Hot temperatures
- None of which involve or can’t be blamed on the actions of others
Traits of Wholeness
We are in our series called Seeking Wholeness
How can we be _______ healthy
- spiritually
- emotionally
- mentally
Dealing with life’s current stresses and also being healed from experiences/wounds of the past
We’re not just supposed to have eternal life
- We’re supposed to have: joy, peace, patience, and self control here on earth
Traits of Wholeness
- Authenticity
- Honesty
- Kindness
- Not seeking external approval / validation
- Living by values and principles
- Setting Boundaries
- Taking ownership of your responsibilities
- Living with purpose and passion
- Optimism
- Confidence
- Healthy relationships with others
- Not losing control of your emotions
- Free from addictions
- Addressing Conflict
- Vulnerability
- Not critical or Judgemental
- Not jealous
- Genuinely applaud the success of others
- Forgive those who have wronged you in the past
- Know that you’re worthy of receiving love
- Not afraid to fail
- Able to manage irrational fear, worry, and anxiety
- Selfless encounters with others
- Not manipulating others trying to control their actions/reactions
- You care about how others feel - empathy
- Patient
- Don’t give into peer/social pressure
- Can communicate directly
- Don’t take responsibility for other people's emotions
- Take responsibility for your own emotions
- Slow to anger
- Being led by the Spirit
Review: Dealing With Anger - Part 1 & 2
Anger’s Emotional Family
- Anger
- Hostility
- Fury
- Irritability
- Annoyance
- Wrath
- Rage
What Happens To Your Body When You Get Angry
Fight or flight
- Fight
- Flight
- Freeze
Physical Response
Your anger can surface as
- Tight shoulders
- Tight neck or jaw
- Acid reflux
- Panic attacks
- heart beats faster
Mental Impact
- The world is simplified
- Black and white
- Doubt is eliminated
- Loss of self-consciousness
- Makes you an energizing and focused
trance state (dumbs you down)
- narrow focus
- reality is perceived in very selective and limited ways
- You don’t think about consequences
- Other people's perspectives can’t be appreciated
Causes poor decisions
Health Implications
Anger leads to
- Heart disease
- Weakened immune system
- Stroke
- Expressing it
- Repressing it
Righteous Anger
- When we are angry about an offense against God or His word
- When we’re angry about what God is angry about
There is no biblical support for this concept
- The cause of our anger doesn’t justify our actions
God is concerned with:
- How quickly we get angry
- How we express our anger
- How long we’re angry
Not so much “why we’re angry”
Be Slow to Anger
Proverbs 14:29
29 One who is slow to anger has great understanding; But one who is quick-tempered exalts foolishness.
The Godly goal is to be slow to anger
- Not to never get angry
- Not to blow up instantly
Only God Judges
Exodus 34:6-7
Then the LORD passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in faithfulness and truth;
who keeps faithfulness for thousands, who forgives wrongdoing, violation of 7 His Law, and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, inflicting the punishment of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations.”
- God is slow to anger
- God’s judgment is independent of his anger
We are not the judge…God is
Don’t Stay Angry
Ephesians 4:26-27
26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold.
- Anger isn’t a sin
- Don’t let your anger cause you to sin
Anger Management Strategies (Review)
Did anyone use any of the Anger Management strategies that we discussed?
Memory Verses
Proverbs 19:11
A person’s discretion makes him slow to anger, And it is his glory to overlook an offense.
- Box breathing
- Take 3 deep breaths before responding
Develop canned responses
- They should be polite and respectful
- Not insulting
- Not dismissive
“ I don’t discuss politics before 5 PM“
Broken record technique
Deescalation Statements
Use during the interaction before you blow up
- “I need a timeout”
- Let’s agree to disagree
Do something to distract yourself
- Take a walk
- Color
Lifestyle Changes
Keep track of your anger
- Episode
- Intensity
- Duration
- Anger control strategy / response
- Trigger
Your Anger Can Reveal Your Heart
Luke 6:45
The good person out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil person out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.
How we react is often the better thermometer of our hearts than how we act
– – Bryan Loritts
Anger Causes Disordered Love
Your anger may reveal what’s in your heart
Next time you’re angry, ask yourself…
- What is it that was violated?
- What are you defending?
- What is it that you love that was threatened?
- Why is it an injustice?
Was is a threat to your:
- Pride / ego
- security/safety
- freedom
- respect
- happiness
- status
- people’s opinion of you
- reputation
- intelligence
- significance
- God
What is it that you value so much that a threat to it makes you angry?
What is it that you feel you deserved that you didn’t get?
Do you get angrier when people say something negative about God or about:
- women/men
- A certain race
- A political candidate
- A pastor
- You
- fraternity/sorority
Anger Causes Disordered Goals
Love doesn’t go after the person…it goes after the problem
Example: someone took your parking spot so you keyed their car
- What problem were you solving?
Anger Can Reveal Your Idols
If we build our happiness on things
- A job
- A spouse
- Income level
- Having perfect kids
and don’t get them…
We will have a low level of anger against
- Life
- God
Anger Can Identify Insecurities
Real or perceived attack on my personal worth
Proverbs 18:19
A brother who is offended is harder to be won than a strong city, And quarrels are like the bars of a citadel.
Anger is often the evidence of insecurity in my life
When someone
- Flips you off
- Speaks down to you
How many of you have felt attacked on social media?
Which negative comments about you hurt the worst?
Example: teasing someone for being rich
- They may not get mad
- Tease about inheriting from daddy
We are all insecure and we all have fears
We feel attacked:
- Emotionally
- Physically
- Psychologically
Ask yourself
- Why am I feeling threatened?
- What is being attacked?
- Who is attacking me?
- Is it somebody you don’t know?
- Is this a small threat or a big threat?
- Who’s approval am I seeking?
- Has anything been resolved in that way before?
- What am I insecure about?
You will learn about yourself
Strategy: How to Heal Disordered Love
Admit That You’re Angry
Watch Your Self Talk
What makes you angry is not what happened to you, but what you tell yourself about what happened to you.
Example: you are tall
- Tall means attractive
- Tall means linky and uncoordinated
You’re Angry About What You Told Yourself
Anger is a Secondary Emotion
- Whenever anger surfaces there was always something else going on underneath
It is often easier to be angry than to face the deeper issues
Honked at when the light turned green
- You were looking at your phone.
- You feel guilty for not paying attention
- You feel embarrassed because they drew negative attention towards you
- You feel disrespected because they are honking at you
Angry at your co-workers for not including you on this decision
- Your pride was really hurt
If you start to look to see what the secondary emotion is… God can use this to change your life
God can use your problem relationships to change your life
- Understand yourself
Use Your Anger To Identify Your Issues
Anger isn’t the problem… It’s the warning light
Use anger to pinpoint
- Your idols
- Your insecurities
- What offends you (your values)
3 Ways We Express Anger
We express our anger in such a wide variety of ways that many people think that it is not an issue in their lives
There are many ways in which people express their anger
- Shut down
- Assert power and authority
- Become aggressive
- Yell, scream, shout
- Slam doors
- Belittle
- Slander
- Intimidate
- Demean others
- Become depressed
- Isolate themselves
- Alienate others
- Suppress their feelings
- Repress
- Become fearful
- Punch
- Grab, bite
- Throw things
- Become defensive
- Become prideful and arrogant
- Withdrawn
- Become self righteous
- Curse
- Withhold affection
- Whine
- Put others down
- Roll their eyes
- Blame others
- Feel shame
- Manipulating
- Covering up their feelings
- Experiencing self-hatred
- Making excuses
- Rationalize or justify actions or feelings
- Become discouraged, despondent depressed
- Gossiping or slandering
- Minimizing the anger
- Deny their feelings
- Feel self-pity
- Becoming critical of others
- Becoming sarcastic
- Give the silent treatment
- Cry
3 Categories to Express Anger
Ephesians 4:15
15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.
This should be a yardstick as to whether or not we respond correctly to our anger
There are three common categories by which we express anger
- Exploding / Spewing
- Stuffing / Repressing
- Indirect / Leaking
You might be an exploder at home, but a stuffer at work
Example: LA County PM
Exploding Anger
- Exploding / Spewer
Express anger
- Yelling
- Screaming
- Fighting
- Hitting
- Intimidation
- Aggression
- Overly opinionated
- Overly bold
- Blunt
- Forceful
- Tactless
- Demanding
- Repetitive
2 types
- Reaction
- Calculated
View on Anger:
- “anger is necessary“
- “do what I say or else“
Anger may let you feel in control instead of allowing you to realize that you are feeling hurt
- Gives them a sense of power
- Helps release pent-up emotions
- Feelings of guilt
- Sense of loss of control
- Regret
- May cause others to physically retaliate
They have poor impulse control
Relational Impact
- People around them learn to:
- Walk on eggshells
- Not tell the truth
- They wound themselves and others
- strained unhealthy relationships
- Create dysfunction
- Recognize their triggers
- Acknowledge their fears
- Give up control - learn to trust God
- Learn to communicate their anger effectively
- Identify insecurities
- Identify vulnerabilities
Fear disguised as anger
Some exploders feel remorse and want to change
Some explorers don’t realize the other person is affected. They see themselves as trying to get their anger out.
10 questions to tell if you're an exploder
- I can be blunt and forceful when someone does something to frustrate me
- As I speak my convictions my voice becomes increasingly louder
- When someone confronts me with a problem, I’m likely to offer a ready rebuttal
- No one has to guess my opinion… I am known for having unwavering viewpoints
- When something goes wrong I focus so sharply on fixing the problem that I often overlook people's feelings
- I have a history of getting caught in bickering matches with family members
- During verbal disagreements with someone, I tend to repeat myself several times
- I find it hard to keep my thoughts to myself when I know something is wrong
- I have a reputation for being strong willed
- I tend to give advice even when others haven’t asked for it
5 or 6 means yes
You learn how to explode from
- A belief system
- Family of origin
- Experiences
- Relationships
Instructor: Michael Leadon
Overcoming emotions to destroy part one: rage
Venture Christian Church
Overcoming emotions that destroy - part two: why we all struggle with anger
Venture Christian Church
The healing of anger
Tim Keller
5 Ways to Diffuse Your anger
Dr Tracey Marks
The A-B-C-D-E Model
A activating event
B - beliefs about the event (how you interpret it)
C - consequences - reaction
D - Dispute any unhelpful beliefs and reframe them
Make sure you’re not confusing high and low probability events
E - valuate your response
- choose the responses that are worth your energy
- Choose what will be you closer to the things you want in your life
Cognitive resolution model
- Get into your wise mind
- Identify the problem
- Identify your beliefs
- Find facts for and against your beliefs
- Decide whether to resolve the conflict
- Addressing and resolving the conflict
- Validate
- Communicate assertively
- Determine course of action
Memory Verses
Proverbs 29:11
A fool always loses his temper, But a wise person holds it back.
Ecclesiastes 7:9
Do not be eager in your spirit to be angry, For anger resides in the heart of fools.
Proverbs 14:29
One who is slow to anger has great understanding; But one who is quick-tempered exalts foolishness.
Proverbs 15:1
1A gentle answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger.
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